Monday, July 14, 2008


Through some mysterious kind of time-travel, this morning I got my hair cut in the same barbershop as a younger version of myself, aged about 10. I could tell it was me because of the things he said.

So how long do you want it on the the sides?


Do you want me to leave you a fair bit of fringe?


And what about the top, do you ever gel it up into spikes?

I've just got too much hair, it's too long. And even when I brush it, it looks stupid. So I don't brush it. I just want it to be shorter.


Anonymous said...


You should have given your younger self your address for your blog - then he could have foreseen his future.

Imagine just how freaky it would be at the age of 10 to discover that (N-1) years later, you still won't know how you really want your hair cut!!

Plus - you could get your 10 year old self studying up on some of those tricky med school facts. There's nothing quite like the imperative of knowing that in just (N-1) years, you have a whole lot of difficult tricky exams to sit.

Better start boning up PTR Jr!

PTR said...

An intriguing idea, anonymous, with but a single flaw: when I was 10 there were no blogs, no internet, and precious little electrickery either.

I should have just punched his lights out to build his character a little, so I wouldn't grow up to be the kind of guy who punches out the lights of kids in barbershops.