Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Get out of jail free

Although I did eat chips tonight, it was not my fault. It was a setup!

We were given dinner for free at a local restaurant, for reasons I can't be bothered to explain, and we had to choose between two main courses:
  1. fish and chips
  2. steak and chips
See how they both had chips? Yeah - so I was basically forced to eat chips and what's more I hardly enjoyed them at all.


Anonymous said...


Wow - what a tribute to Willie! A whole working day of abstinence from chips in his honour!

You sure must love that hill-billy country musak!

I'm looking forward to your next sacrifice - maybe not blinking for the whole night you're asleep?

PTR said...

Hang on a bit! I've already explained that I could not possibly be held responsible. What else could I do - NOT eat the chips? Hahahahah, as if!

Anyway, I didn't eat chips on Friday through Monday, which is two working days.

Anonymous said...

What are you going to do when the only options in the cafeteria are chips or suspicious floating hot dog?

Based on this latest turn of events I doubt your ability to just walk away. Poor ol' Willie.

PTR said...

Ah yes, the suspicious floating hot dog. You are wise in the ways of disgusting level 4 cafeteria food!

I have previously dealt with this issue by going to the volunteer cafe on level 2 and buying scones for lunch, but clearly this plan is not bulletproof (unlike the scones).

Maybe I'll buy a big tin of kelp and keep it in my locker for emergencies.