Friday, October 23, 2009

Sell me more crap

A while ago I posted something about the strange Facebook ad with the neo-Nazi guy trying to get me excited about my abs.  Ever since then I've been paying more attention to the ads that turn up on Facebook, especially since someone told me that they are generated by big databases that analyze my browsing habits.  If so, I'm a bit concerned, because I've been getting some pretty wacky ads.

The other day I got a "Rate This Hottie" ad, featuring bizarre photoshopped pictures of pneumatic blondes.  Simultaneously, I was urged to join a gay mens social networking site.

Today, the ads seem a little more relevant.  I've got some kind of snoring remedy (snoring: check!) as well as some kind of unspecified method of male hair removal (hairy: check!) and fluffy toys made to look like infectious agents (med geek: check!).  Oh, and an ad for me to advertise on Facebook.  Maybe I should make up some up some stupid product like a special piggy-bank-smashing hammer or something and direct the links to my blog.

I reckon if I ever won the lottery I would institite a policy of buying everything that was advertised to me on the internet.  Some of it is truly bizarre, but it would be a lot of fun opening those boxes when they arrived! 


idevour said...

I discovered those little stuffed diseases years ago whilst googling something unrelated and decided they were exceedingly cool. :)

PTR said...

I'm often tempted by things like that, but I live in fear of getting one, showing it proudly to someone, and having them burst into tears and sob "My mother just died of (whatever it is that I was just showing them)". So I've never got one.

PTR said...

... and what on earth would you have been googling to inadvertently discover stuffed pathogens?? Oh wait, when I write it like that it looks like a recipe, which fits the bill with you perfectly!