Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Since I won't be sleeping for the next month I guess now is a good time to start studying

It's a dark and stormy night.  My Smaller Half was away for the evening.  An email arrived.  Ding!  Better read it.  Oh look, the medical student's society is hosting a free movie night to preview this exciting new film.  How wonderful.  Look, there's a link to the trailer.  Click! 

Oh.  OH!  It's a horror movie.  The worst sort of horror movie.  I can deal with people being chopped up by crazed red-headed stepchildren puppet zombies.  I can't deal with ghost films.  At all.  After I saw Sixth Sense I had to walk around my house with my back to the wall to make sure they weren't sneaking up behind me.  This movie looks really scary.

So I end up having the following email exchange with the sadistic official from the student club who sent out the notification and is clearly trying to ruin my life.

Jesus - I watched that trailer and it scared the shit out of me.  There's no way I'm watching the whole thing without a critical care unit and a psych referral.

Sadistic Official
Just thought I'd offer something different - a chilled evening for you and your loved ones away from study.
P.S. I was too freaked to watch the trailer.

If you too would like to incur years of expensive therapy, watch the trailer at this site:
The Hippety-Hoppity Bunny Goes To Morning Tea (trailer)


JdR said...

Put that trailer together with your catheter post and you've got me really scared.

PTR said...

You're an ideas man!

Anonymous said...

Sadistic Official just discovered your fear of ghosts and feels awful! Next free movie night will be family friendly, I promise.

PTR said...

Don't feel too bad! As the disclaimer points out, I may use hyperbole from time to time...