Thursday, April 8, 2010

Amongst our pharmacotherapies are such diverse elements as...

Last week I was consulting with a GP and it wasn't going well.  Every time she asked me a question I was unable to answer.  It's not that I was physically unable to speak - it's more that although I knew that I had at some previous time learned the relevant information, I wasn't able to extract it from the swampy morass that is my memory.

After the fourth or fifth time that I showed almost complete ignorance of the names, effects, side-effects, indications, contradications or dosages of a range of remarkably common drugs, she decided to offer me advice.  The conversation between me and the GP, who I will refer to as Dr Ximénez for reasons that should soon become apparent, ran as follows:

Dr Ximénez 
What you should do is just choose one particular drug from each major class of drugs and make sure you know that one back to front. That will make it much simpler, rather than trying to learn everything at once. For example, instead of trying to learn about lots of statins, just learn about simvastatin.

I see, that's a great suggestion. Thanks very much!

Dr Ximénez
Oh, and you should probably learn about atorvastatin as well, since that's quite popular and has additional benefits on triglycerides.

Right, so simvastatin and atorvastatin only.

Dr Ximénez
And Crestor too, you'd better learn about Crestor.

Okay, Crestor too.

Dr Ximénez
Ezetrol is also a good one to know something about.

[quietly weeps]

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