Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Eye opener

My new team starts at 7.30 a.m. which is slightly challenging for me, but no more so than, say, waxing my eyebrows.  It simply takes an effort of will to haul myself out of bed.

But from time to time my willpower fails me and I end up running just a smidgen late.  I was late this morning.  I stylishly swerved my car into the carpark and trotted towards the hospital entrance.  Glancing at my phone, I realized that I'd missed a call.

Oh no!  Perhaps it was my new registrar and she'd called me up to urge me to redouble my efforts to arrive on time.  Or perhaps to tell me that the notes I took yesterday were so good that I'd better take the day off as a reward.  Better check my voicemail.

My voicemail had a call from an mystery number - a man's gruff voice:
"When ya git outta the shower washin' that beautiful body of yours, wanna give me a ring?  Thanks darlin'."

Hmm.  I guess it wasn't my registrar after all.

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